Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

Five Tips for Plane Travelling

If you travel by plane all the time then you will be aware of how it can effect your body. Cramped conditions, changes in time zones and the effect the change in altitude can have on your body are all stressful. You don't usually get much sleep on a long flight as it is noisy, you lack space to spread out, particularly if you are travelling economy, and the food is never usually very good. Before travelling, as well as having your documents and travel insurance sorted out, make sure you plan for the plane travel itself so you arrive feeling better and as human as possible.
Prepare early
If you can, do a bit of research and choose an airline that has newer planes as the ventilation systems tend to be better. When booking your flight ask to be seated as close to the front as possible as the air is better there. You can also help how you will feel during and after your flight by watching what you eat the week before you travel. Try and keep away from foods that affect the gall bladder, such as dairy, alcohol, chocolate, coffee and tea, any heavy foods and fatty fried foods. You can take vitamins to help your body handle the stress, particularly vitamin C and B complex.
Wear loose fitting clothing that is comfortable to sit and sleep in. Avoid tight waistbands and anything that you will be too hot in. Wearing layers is a good idea as you can take off items if you get hot or layer up if you cool down. Planes can often be quite cold with the air conditioner running. If you wear a jacket onto the plane it can also double as a pillow. Wear comfortable shoes or even pack slippers or thick socks into your carry on luggage.
Hand luggage
On a long flight you will be served meals but it is a good idea to pack a bottle of water as you can easily become dehydrated. Pack small snacks such as nuts and dried fruit, and it is a good idea to have chewing gum if you have problems with your ears when changing altitude. Earplugs are a good idea to help block out the constant drone of the plane, as this can be annoying and make you restless. Pack an eye mask, although often airlines give these out as standard.
Before you leave and on the plane
There are a few things you can do before you leave to make your flight a lot more bearable. Eat a light meal before you leave, make sure it doesn't include anything fried, and don't have any caffeine. You will be able to handle the change in air pressure and the motion of the plane better without a heavy meal in your stomach. Set you watch to the time of the destination of where you are travelling so that you can begin to alter your sleeping and eating patterns during the flight. This way your body will cope better when you arrive. During the flight get up and have a stretch and walk around every two hours.
After the flight
To reduce jet lag don't go straight to bed when you arrive. If it is morning when you reach your destination then go outside and expose yourself to some daylight, it will help your system adjust. Go for a walk and get some fresh air.
By the way, do you want to learn more about travel? If so, I suggest you check travel insurance and cheap travel insurance.

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